
Half-substituted fluorocycloparaphenylenes with high symmetry: Synthesis, properties and derivatization to densely substituted carbon nanorings

“Half-substituted fluorocycloparaphenylenes with high symmetry: Synthesis, properties and derivatization to densely substituted carbon nanorings

Hiroki Shudo, Motonobu Kuwayama, Yasutomo Segawa, Akiko Yagi and Kenichiro Itami

Chem. Commun. 2023, accepted. DOI: 10.1039/D3CC04887J

Fluorinated cycloparaphenylenes (FCPPs) have attracted attention as electron-accepting CPPs as well as strained fluoroarenes. Herein, we report the synthesis and properties of novel FCPPs; F16[8]CPP and F12[6]CPP. Furthermore, the derivatization of F16[8]CPP afforded a new carbon nanoring where sixteen pyrrole rings are densely substituted on CPP framework.


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