
伊藤 江里

Nameいとう えりIto EriE-mailitou.erif.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.…

Letitia Sarah

NameLetitia SarahE-mailsarah.letitia(at)f.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp…

吉村 柾彦

NameMasahiko Yoshimura(JSPS Research Fellow DC1)(O…

伏見 雅子

NameMasako FushimiResearch Interestリングチーム!Re…

萩原 伸也

名古屋大学理学研究科 准教授JST さきがけ研究者〒464-8602 名古屋市千種区不老町E-mail: hag…

Discovery of Shoot Branching Regulator Targeting Strigolactone Receptor DWARF14

Masahiko Yoshimura, Ayato Sato, Keiko Kuwata, Yoshiaki Inukai, Toshino…

A Water-soluble Warped Nanographene: Synthesis and Applications for Photo-induced Cell Death

Hsing-An Lin, Yoshikatsu Sato,* Yasutomo Segawa,* Taishi Nishi…

Synthesis of partially and fully fused polyaromatics by annulative chlorophenylene dimerization

Yoshito Koga, Takeshi Kaneda, Yutaro Saito, Kei Murakami,* Kenichiro I…

Chemical hijacking of auxin signaling with an engineered auxin–TIR1 pair

Naoyuki Uchida, Koji Takahashi, Rie Iwasaki, Ryotaro Yamada, Masahiko …

A Quintuple [6]Helicene with a Corannulene Core as a C5-symmetric Propeller-shaped π-System

Kenta Kato, Yasutomo Segawa, Lawrence T. Scott, and Kenichiro Itami…

Synthesis of Octaaryl Naphthalenes and Anthracenes with Different Substituents

Shin Suzuki, Kenichiro Itami,* Junichiro Yamaguchi*Angew. Chem., I…

Philip Steib

 Name Philip SteibE-mailResearchComment …

Strigolactone receptors in Striga hermonthica

Masahiko Yoshimura,* Yuichiro Tsuchiya, Yoshikatsu Sato, Kenichiro Ita…

