
Creation of negatively curved polyaromatics enabled by annulative coupling that forms an eight-membered ring

“Creation of negatively curved polyaromatics enabled by annulative coupling that forms an eight-membered ring”
Satoshi Matsubara, Yoshito Koga, Yasutomo Segawa, Kei Murakami,* Kenichiro Itami* (†Equial contribution)
Nature Catalysis 2020. DOI: 10.1038/s41929-020-0487-0.

We have developed a new catalytic reaction for connecting benzene rings to create an eight-membered ring structure, and established a precise and practical method of synthesis for three-dimensional nanocarbons.

The key to this method is a new reaction using a palladium catalyst which enables the formation of the octagonal structure. In this reaction, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon substrates connect to construct the octagonal structure and enable successful three-dimensional nanocarbon molecule synthesis.

For details, please see Press release: ITbM Research Highlight


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