Assoc. Prof. Hideto Ito received the Akasaki Award from Nagoya University!

Assoc. Prof. Hideto Ito received the Akasaki Award from Nagoya University. Congratulations!

This news was also highlighted by Mainichi-Shinbun (news paper:2019225毎日新聞23面), Chunichi Shinbun (news paper: 20190221中日新聞23面), NU Topics (2019/04: 2019年4月名大トピックス) and web news.

The Akasaki Award, established in FY2010 in recognition of the great achievements of Professor Isamu Akasaki (2014 Nobel laureate in Physics) is awarded each year to young researchers in Nagoya University for their outstanding research.



天池先輩からコーヒースープ伴夫妻からのお歳暮です!潤さん、宮村さん、ありがとうございます!!武藤さん、ビールありがとうございます!平賀大都わーいやなさん、あつしさん、ありがとうございます!!だいぶ前だけど、Stripes look #ootdHalloween lookラインを洗う時ですら格好良く。戸谷先生教育実習!imageけいしゅう、誕生日おめでとう!誕生日は英吉家!!3年生に名古屋ぼろ勝ちアピール中!!アリシア卒業おめでとう女子会!