Prof. Itami has appeared in a Japanese TV science program "Kagaku Mich…
Wataru Matsuoka, Hideto Ito,* Kenichiro Itami*Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. …
Hideto Ito,* Kyohei Ozaki, and Kenichiro Itami*Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.…
Takao Fujikawa, Yasutomo Segawa, and Kenichiro ItamiJ. Org. Chem. …
NamePhillippa CooperE-mailResearch InterestCommentRe…
Noriaki Ozaki, Hirotoshi Sakamoto, Taishi Nishihara, T…
NameMatthew RobinsonE-mailResearch InterestCommentRe…
NameRyan FanE-mailryan.fanemory.eduResearch InterestCo…
NameSojung KimE-mailsxk535psu.eduResearch InterestComm…
NameSho IshidaE-mailResearch InterestCommentRecent P…
Takao Fujikawa, Nobuhiko Mitoma, Atsushi Wakamiya, Akinori Saeki, Yasu…
Nishimoto,Y.; Kondo, H.; Yamaguchi, K.; Yokogawa, D.; Yamaguchi, J…
Yota Sakakibara†, Eri Ito†, Takahiro Kawakami, Shuya Yamada, Kei Murak…
Kei Murakami, Shuya Yamada, Takeshi Kaneda, Kenichiro ItamiChem.…
Guillaume Povie, Yasutomo Segawa, Taishi Nishihara, Yuhei Miyauchi, Ke…