
Wataru Matsuoka



Wataru Matsuoka


Research Interest


Awards & Remarks

2016.04 Scholarship from Shoshisha Foundation
2016.04 Research Assistant for Nagoya University Leading Graduate School
2016.03 CSJ Tokai Branch Chief Award
2016.11 Organizing Nagoya University ITbM・IGER Chemistry Work Shop 2016
2017.9 34the 34th Synthetic Organic Chemistry Seminar, Best Poster Award

Recent Publications

[4] Rapid Access to Nanographenes and Fused Heteroaromatics by Palladium-Catalyzed Annulative π-Extension Reaction of Unfunctionalized Aromatics with Diiodobiaryls
Wataru Matsuoka, Hideto Ito,* Kenichiro Itami*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201756, in press. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201707486 【detail

[3] Annulative π-Extension (APEX) of Heteroarenes with Dibenzosiloles and Dibenzogermoles by Palladium/o-Chloranil Catalysis
Kyohei Ozaki, Wataru Matsuoka, Hideto Ito,* Kenichiro Itami*
Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 1930–1933. DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b00684detail

[2] One-Step Annulative p-Extension of Alkynes with Dibenzosiloles Dibenzogermoles by Palladium/o-chloranil Catalysis
Kyohei Ozaki, Keiichiro Murai, Wataru Matsuoka, Katsuaki Kawasumi, Hideto Ito,* and Kenichiro Itami*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201756, 1362–1364. DOI: 10.1002/ange.201610374 detail
Selected as a Hot Paper
Highlighted in Synfacts

[1] 9,9-Dimethyl-9-silafluorene
Wataru Matsuoka
, Yuuta Yano, Hideto Ito, Kenichiro Itami
Electronic Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Wiley, to be online.

Recent Presentations

Related post

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  5. Timothy Chiaan Wang (王嘉安)
  6. Akari Saito
  7. Lilia Lohrey
  8. Yoko Shirotani



天池先輩からコーヒースープ伴夫妻からのお歳暮です!潤さん、宮村さん、ありがとうございます!!武藤さん、ビールありがとうございます!平賀大都わーいやなさん、あつしさん、ありがとうございます!!だいぶ前だけど、Stripes look #ootdHalloween lookラインを洗う時ですら格好良く。戸谷先生教育実習!imageけいしゅう、誕生日おめでとう!誕生日は英吉家!!3年生に名古屋ぼろ勝ちアピール中!!アリシア卒業おめでとう女子会!