Connect molecules, create value, and change the world, one molecule at a time

The ultimate goal of the research group of Kenichiro Itami is to develop “problem-solving” innovative functional molecules (“transformative molecules”) that make a marked change in the form and nature of science and technology.
With such goal in mind, the work of Itami group has centered on catalyst-enabling synthetic chemistry with broad directions. Through the interdisciplinary research supported by World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) program, we aim to build a solid foundation for a new paradigm in molecular science as synthetic chemists.
Ultimately, we hope to be able to contribute solving global issues such as the food problem and the energy problem. We strongly believe the power of molecules.

  1. Presentation of Bachelor Thesis!
  2. Organic Chemistry Frontiers Outstanding Paper Award 2014-2023
  3. (日本語) 河野さんの学位審査会が行われました!
  4. Master's thesis presentations were held !
  5. (日本語) 卒業生の周戸博士の研究がNature Communications誌に採択されました!!
  6. (日本語) 井本くんの超分子二層ナノチューブのArtがACIEのFrontispieceに選ばれました!
  7. (日本語) Konstantinくんと河野くんの水溶性ナノベルトのArtがACIEのCoverに選ばれました!
  8. The 2024 GTR Presentation Meeting!
  9. (日本語) GTRセミナー「酵素を探す、使う、模倣する。」を開催しました!
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