Name石田 舜祐E-mailishida.shunsuke@f.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jpResear…
Name 仲辻 秀文E-mail nakatsuji.hidefumi@a.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jpResearch I…
José I. Urgel, Marco Di Giovannantonio, Yasutomo Segawa, Pascal Ruffie…
"Controlling the Circadian Clock with High Tempora…
NameMaciej KrzeszewskiE-mailResearch InterestCommentまち…
NameDavid Robert LevineE-maillevine.david.robertb.mbox.nagoya-…
NameDuong Nguyen DinhE-mailResearch InterestCommentR…
Yasutomo Segawa, David R. Levine, and Kenichiro ItamiAcc. Chem. Re…
NameKatherine Lynn BayE-mailResearch InterestComment…
NameSamantha Phan(special student from University of Washington)…
NameKaylin Nicole FleschE-mailResearch InterestComment…
Chaolumen, Hideto Ito,* Kenichiro Itami*Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 9606…