Yoshifumi Toyama
Education and Experience
2023– Ph.D. course (Prof. Itami, Associate Prof. Ito and Yagi)
2021–2023 Master course graduate student (Prof. Itami)
2018–2020 Technical staff (Nagoya Univ. ITbM Prof. Jeffry. W. Bode)
Research Interest
Chemical Biology (Peptide, SAR study)
Synthetic strcutural chemistry
Developing new chemical reactions (Ball-milling reaction, mechanochemistry)
[4] Rh-catalyzed mechanochemical transfer hydrogenation for the synthesis of periphery-hydrogenated
polycyclic aromatic compounds
Yoshifumi Toyama, Takumu Nakamura, Yushin Horikawa, Yuta Morinaka, Yohei Ono, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami, Hideto Ito Submitted to Chemxiv.
DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2025-np2hv
[3] Birch Reductive Arylation by Mechanochemical Anionic Activation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
Yoshifumi Toyama, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami, Hideto Ito Submitted to Chemrxiv.
DOI 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-ts4vf
[2] Synthesis of diamondoids through hydrogenation of adamantane-annulated arenes
Yoshifumi Toyama, Takaku Yoshihara, Hiroki Shudo, Hideto Ito, Kenichiro Itami, Akiko Yagi Chem. Lett. 2024, 53, upad037.
Selected as α cover picture and editor’s choice!
[1]Small Molecules Modulating Mammalian Biological Clocks: Exciting New Opportunities for Synthetic Chemistry
Kazuma Amaike, Tsuyoshi Oshima, Nicola Stephanie Skoulding, Yoshifumi Toyama, Tsuyoshi Hirota, Kenichiro Itami
Chem, 2020, in press.
Recent Presentation (In Japan)
[1]Yoshifumi Toyama, Kohei Kobayashi, Kazuma Amaike, Akiko Yagi, Ayato Sato, Takashi Yoshimura, Kenichiro Itami
「Nanocarbon molecules modulating circadian clock and its SAR study.」
The 101st Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting, A23-4am-08, 2021/03/22(Oral)
[2]Yoshifumi Toyama, Kohei Kobayashi, Kazuma Amaike, Akiko Yagi, Ayato Sato, Takashi Yoshimura, Kenichiro Itami
「Nanocarbon molecules modulating circadian clock and its SAR study.」
GTR Chemistry Workshop, A23-4am-08, 2021/11/29(Poster)
[3]Yoshifumi Toyama, Kohei Kobayashi, Kazuma Amaike, Akiko Yagi, Ayato Sato, Takashi Yoshimura, Kenichiro Itami
「Nanocarbon molecules modulating circadian clock and its SAR study.」
The 102nd Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting, G201-4pm-07, 2022/03/26(Oral)
[4]Yoshifumi Toyama, Takaku Yoshihara, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami
Synthesis of molecular diamond
The 38th of synthetic organic chemistry, P-32, Fukuoka (Japan) , 2022/09/29(Poster)
[5]Yoshifumi Toyama, Takaku Yoshihara, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami
「A novel synthetic strategy for diamondoids」
The 10th of ITbM consortium, P-7, Nagoya Univ, 2022/12/12(Poster)
[6]Yoshifumi Toyama, Takaku Yoshihara, Hideto Ito, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami
「A developing novel synthetic strategy for diamondoids」
The 103rd Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting,K603-4am-07, 2023/03/25(Oral)
[7]遠山 祥史、三宅 恵子、高橋 一誠、佐藤 綾人「学生と取り組む科学コミュニケーション ストライガカードゲームの開発」
科学技術広報研究会年会, セッション4, 名古屋大学東山キャンパス, 2023年5月12日(Oral)
[8]Yoshifumi Toyama, Hideto Ito, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami
Synthesis of sp3-nanocarbon molecule
ITbM Workshop, P-108, Nagoya Univ, 愛知, 2023/05/31(poster)
[9]Yoshifumi Toyama, Hideto Ito, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami
Synthesis of sp3-nanocarbon molecule
Ph.D. course student party, A-3, Nagoya Univ, 愛知, 2023/06/22(poster)
[10]Yoshifumi Toyama, Takaku Yoshihara, Hideto Ito, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami
「A developing novel synthetic strategy for diamondoids」
The 54th of structural chemistry school in summer , P80, 2023/8/2 (poster)
[11]Yoshifumi Toyama, Akiko Yagi, Hideto Ito, Kenichiro Itami
Mechanochemical Anionic Activation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds and Synthesis of Arylated Aromatic Compounds
The 39th of synthetic organic chemistry, P-80, 2023/09/22 (poster)
[12]Yoshifumi Toyama, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami, Hideto Ito
Mechanochemical Anionic Activation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds and Synthesis of Arylated Aromatic Compounds
2023 International IRCCS-ILR-IRTG Symposium, P62, Nagoya University, JAPAN, 2023/12/1 (Poster)
[13] Yoshifumi Toyama, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami, Hideto Ito
Synthesis of Arylated Aromatic Compounds by Mechanochemical Anionic Activation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
The 104th Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting, E1141-3pm-07, 2024/03/20 (Oral)
[14]Yoshifumi Toyama, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami, Hideto Ito
Mechanochemical Anionic Activation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds and Synthesis of Arylated Aromatic Compounds
2024 International IRCCS-ILR-IRTG Symposium, P15, University of Münster, GERMANY, 2024/05/08 (Poster)
[15] Yoshifumi Toyama, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami, Hideto Ito,
“Mechanochemical Anionic Activation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds and Synthesis of its derivatives”
The 56th of organometallic chemistry school in summer, SL-3, Tokyo, 2024/7/2 (Oral)
[16]Yoshifumi Toyama, Takumu Nakamura, Yuta Morinaka, Yohei Ono, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami, Hideto Ito
Development of mechanochemical arene hydrogenation and synthesis of hydrogenated polycyclic aromatic compounds, The 34th Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry, 2P151, Hokkaido, 2024/09/12(Poster)
[17]Yoshifumi Toyama, Akiko Yagi, Kenichiro Itami, Hideto Ito
Mechanochemical Anionic Activation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds and Synthesis of Arylated Aromatic Compounds
The 15th Otsu conference, Lake Biwa Otsu Prince hotel, 2024/10/01 (Oral)
[1]2023/4〜 JST next generation researcher
[2]2023/4〜 Japan Securities Scholarship Foundation
[3] Patent JP 2022-154208 2022/8/29 Akiko Yagi, Yoshifumi Toyama, Takaku Yoshihara, Kenichiro Itami
[4] 2024/1 Interview on Nagoya University (URL)
[5] 2024/6 JST next generation researcher Selected as Highly applied researcher
[6] Patent JP2024-144540 2024/8/26 Hideto Ito, Kenichiro Itami, Yoshifumi Toyama, Takumu Nakamura, Yuta Morinaka, Yohei Ono
[7] 2024/10~2025/1 Research in the Universty of Munster (Prof. Ryan Gilmour)
[8] 2024/10 The 15th Otsu Conference award
Outreach activities