
Synthesis of A Heptaarylisoquinoline: Unusual Disconnection for Constructing Isoquinoline Frameworks

Synthesis of A Heptaarylisoquinoline: Unusual Disconnection for Constructing Isoquinoline Frameworks
Takashi Asako*, Shin Suzuki*, Kenichiro Itami, Kei Muto, and Junichiro Yamaguchi
(*co-first author)
Chem Lett. 2018, Advanced Publicatiion DOI 10.1246/cl.180429 Highlights Editor’s Choice

In a novel disconnection of isoquinoline ring synthesis at the C7–C8/C4a–C8a bonds, these bonds can be formed by a [4+2] cycloaddition between thiophene S,S-dioxide and alkynes. With a subsequent C–H arylation of the resulting hexaarylisoquinoline at the C3 position, the synthesis of a fully substituted isoquinoline has been achieved.


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