Thiophene-fused aromatic beltsHiroki Shudo, Philipp Wiesener, Elen…
“Water-soluble aromatic nanobelt with unique cellular internalization”…
"Synthesis and size-dependent properties of multiple sizes of chlorina…
International conferences Le Minh Nghia, Ryuto Kojo, Hayato Ya…
CV of Prof. Itami (PDF)CURRENT APPOINTMENTSPrincipal Investigato…
NameTakehisa MaekawaMail Addressmaekawa.takehisaitbm.nagoy…
NameHiroki ShudoE-mailshudo.hiroki.f1→please change to @)R…
NameKeigo E. YamadaPh D. course studentDepartment of Chemistry…
NameHisayasu IshibashiE-mailResearch InterestComme…
NameMiu FukatsuE-mailfukatsu.miu@j.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp…
NameKanami NakataE-mailnakata.kanami@j.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp…
NameSatoshi HattoriE-mailhattori.satoshi@c.mbox.nagoya-u.a…
NameNobushige KaiE-mailResearch InterestCommentRec…
Name平野 永里子E-mailResearch InterestCommentRecent Pre…
Name中村 拓夢E-mailResearch InterestCommentRecent Presen…
Our new paper is now on Chemistry Letters!Yoshifumi Toyama, Takaku Y…
Yoshifumi Toyama, Takaku Yoshihara, Hiroki Shudo, Hideto Ito, Kenichir…
Keigo E. Yamada, Iain A. Stepek, Wataru Matsuoka, Hideto Ito,* Kenichi…
“Half-substituted fluorocycloparaphenylenes with high symmetry: Synthe…
“Carbon Nanobelts: Brief History and Perspective”Daiki Imoto, Akik…